Complete a Fillable PDF

Your accountant may send you fillable PDF documents to complete as part of a client request. Fillable PDFs can be filled out within the Client Portal and be seamlessly returned to your accountant with all of the completed information.

All client requests, including those containing fillable PDFs, will show up on your  To-do list and are indicated by a clipboard icon.

To get started completing a client request, log in to the Client Portal.

1. Navigate to your To-do list on the left-side column.

2. Select a Client Request with a fillable PDF from the To-do list.

3. Review any notes or instructions provided by your accountant.

4. Click on the attached fillable PDF document.

5. Click on each available blue box, and input the indicated information.

*Your changes are automatically saved as you enter the information.

6. Click on the Print or Download icons to save a copy of the updated PDF.

7. Click on the X icon to close the file.

*All of your changes will be saved automatically and uploaded to your accountant.

8. Send a message to your accountant to let them know you've completed filling out the PDF. Click on the Mark as complete box.

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