Upload a File
Files can be uploaded securely, quickly and easily in your portal - so they can be accessed by you and our team at Tax Trailer. Once uploaded, we will receive a notification to let us know a new file has been added. Files can be uploaded with just a few clicks, or by dragging and dropping the files you want to upload.
To get started, log in to the Client Portal.
1. Click the Files tab.
2. Click Add a File.
A new file explorer or finder screen will pop up for you to search through your computer's files.
3. Select your file
Select the file on your computer you wish to upload and click Open to upload it. Alternatively, you can drag and drop files into the file location to upload them.
4. In the provided text-box, input a file name.
Files uploaded in the portal will be managed by our team, who may rename and move documents to the correct folders.